Friday, July 19, 2019

The Lutheran Hymnal Essay -- Observation Essays, Descriptive Essays

There it is the blue book. It used to be red, but in 1982 a new book was made. The blue book has a cross with a circle behind it on its spine. Also on the spine are the words Lutheran Worship. At the bottom of the spine is the logo for the Concordia Publishing House. On the front cover is another cross with a circle behind it and the printed name David Edward Mahen. This is the modern Lutheran Hymnal used by the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. This Lutheran Hymnal is not just a symbol of Lutheranism but the moderate views of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. In the Lutheran Hymnal, are principles of Lutheran Theology according to the Missouri Synod. There are ceremonies for Baptism, Confirmation as well as Divine services. The Divine Service is from Lutheran tradition and is the same service that Lutherans practice today. There are also prayers, chants, psalms with music, and Luther's Small Catechism. There are hymns which span the entire year including: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Passion Week, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost. There are also hymns for other times of service and year: Trinity, Morning, Evening, Beginning of Service, Close of Service, Holy Baptism, and The Lord's Supper. This was all based on the practices that Martin Luther created during the Reformation. Martin Luther, was â€Å"temperamental, peevish, egomaniacal, and argumentative† (Hooker,, but played a pivotal role in history. During Luther's time as a monk, the Catholic Church was selling indulgences. Luther took notice to the corruption and began to reason that men can only get their salvation through Jesus Christ, not the Pope or indulgences, let alone the Church itself. Luther began ... ...e symbol of the male tradition as pastors and the symbol of women giving the Eucharist. It is the symbol of Lutheranism in the middle of a conservative and liberal world. Bibliography Hooker, Richard. Martin Luther 1996. September 25, 2004.> Bainton, Roland H. Here I Stand: A life of Martin Luther. New York. Abington Printing Press. 1950 Harm F. R. Sola Fide, Solafidianism. September 27, 2004 < > Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Luther's Catechisms. A.D. 1529 01/04/2003 September 27, 2004 < > Multiple Authors. Definition of Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. November 1, 2004

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