Friday, November 29, 2019

Who owns native culture Argumentative Essay Example For Students

Who owns native culture? Argumentative Essay It doesnt have to be ethnic or religious with the example of the womens rights movement. These two concept can also be inflicting to cultural claims because of the changing and varieties of culture. Benhabib does not give a definitive answer yet emphasizes individuality rather than artificial categories. Benhabib urges us to rather dismiss Universalism and Cultural Relativism because emphasizing differences is unrealistic and undemocratic. There is no reason why you cannot hold (political dialogue) conversation that can overlap and give people who are victimized a chance to tell their story. We will write a custom essay on Who owns native culture? Argumentative specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Productiveness is produced when you start sharing notions of trouble and commonality rather than emphasizing differences. It is a careful balancing act of all these elements that can help us understand the complexity of the question, who owns native culture? Benhabib critiques analytical questions to then processing it, with the conclusion that culture is fluid and recognizes this as concrete rather than stigmatize it with undemocratic philosophies. Brown states, My account emphasizes the virtue of striking a balance between the interests of indigenous groups and the requirements of liberal democracy. This often leads to the awkward middle ground that Isaiah Berlin once described as a notoriously exposed, dangerous, and ungrateful position. My centrist stance is inspired by what I found in many of the places I visited; thoughtful people coming together to negotiate workable solutions, however provisional and inelegant. Their success, achieved one at a time, convinced me that grandiose, one-size-fits-all models of heritage protection are likely to hinder rather than encourage improved relations between native peoples and the nation-states in which they find themselves citizens. (Brown 9) Brown doesnt believe that heritage is all bad but that the power of belief is too hard to prove. Brown accepts that heritage exists yet when you make a decision to protect the place you must look at practices. As the example of the Navaho tribe. They did not base their argument on religious beliefs but the evidence of their practice. The question to who owns native culture can be answered in many ways. Brown states, instead of asking who owns native cultures, but How can we promote respectful treatment of native cultures and indigenous forms of self-expression within mass societies? The cases documented here suggest that the quest for dignity in the expressive life of indigenous communities will best be advanced through approaches that affirm the inherently relational nature of the problem. (Brown 10) Brown suggests that it would include, judicious modification of intellectual property law, development of workable policies for the protection of cultural privacy, and greater reliance on the moral resources of civil society. (Brown 10) In conclusion, Brown and Benhabib feel that theyre really no one that owns native culture. It is our common knowledge that culture has been a very porous and variable entity to be reified. People move and travel so much that all culture has been touched by other influences by some way or another. As Brown states in the above paragraph it is the question how can we promote respective treatment of native cultures that has captured another way of looking at the question, who owns native culture? Reference: 1. Benhabib, Seyla. The claims of culture: equality and diversity in the global era. 2002, New Jersey. Princeton University Press. 2. Brown, Michael F. Who Owns Native Culture? 2003, USA. President and Fellows of Harvard College.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on A Little Bit For Everyone

â€Å"A Little Bit For Everyone† The current capitalist economic system will destroy the world. That is essentially what followers of the principles of communism believe, and what they would have the average man (or woman) also believe. While the influence of communism is not acknowledged by many as having an affect on the world today, the changes being wrought by capitalism are slowly building up to a breaking point, which will leave the world in a communist state. This is something the United States would do well to take note of, when setting their foreign policy. Otherwise they, and the rest of the world will face the consequences when the giant capitalist machine breaks down, and there’s finally a little bit for everyone. Follower’s of the communist credo believe that the greatest threats posed to the world today, stem from capitalism. These dangers include, constant economic and social disruptions, the reoccurring crisis of over production, a growing inequality between the ‘have’ and the ‘have not’, and lastly the creation of a new, dissatisfied class of people, who have nothing to loose by destroying the system. The principle cure for these problems is the same. The people must be given more control of state production. However to understand the dangers that capitalism poses, one must more closely examine these ailments. By it’s very nature, capitalism causes dangerous, unceasing economic and social disruptions. The rise and fall of markets, and the rapid transfer of wealth around the globe, creates an inherently unstable environment in which people are expected to function. â€Å"†¦capital is in the process of destabilizing it’s own revolution,† (Grieder 229), says William Grieder. Which is to say, that even as the capitalist machine creates this amazing new social revolution, it is by its very actions unbalancing the economic and social aspects of the world, that are vital for stable markets and econo... Free Essays on A Little Bit For Everyone Free Essays on A Little Bit For Everyone â€Å"A Little Bit For Everyone† The current capitalist economic system will destroy the world. That is essentially what followers of the principles of communism believe, and what they would have the average man (or woman) also believe. While the influence of communism is not acknowledged by many as having an affect on the world today, the changes being wrought by capitalism are slowly building up to a breaking point, which will leave the world in a communist state. This is something the United States would do well to take note of, when setting their foreign policy. Otherwise they, and the rest of the world will face the consequences when the giant capitalist machine breaks down, and there’s finally a little bit for everyone. Follower’s of the communist credo believe that the greatest threats posed to the world today, stem from capitalism. These dangers include, constant economic and social disruptions, the reoccurring crisis of over production, a growing inequality between the ‘have’ and the ‘have not’, and lastly the creation of a new, dissatisfied class of people, who have nothing to loose by destroying the system. The principle cure for these problems is the same. The people must be given more control of state production. However to understand the dangers that capitalism poses, one must more closely examine these ailments. By it’s very nature, capitalism causes dangerous, unceasing economic and social disruptions. The rise and fall of markets, and the rapid transfer of wealth around the globe, creates an inherently unstable environment in which people are expected to function. â€Å"†¦capital is in the process of destabilizing it’s own revolution,† (Grieder 229), says William Grieder. Which is to say, that even as the capitalist machine creates this amazing new social revolution, it is by its very actions unbalancing the economic and social aspects of the world, that are vital for stable markets and econo...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Wireless Network Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Wireless Network Security - Essay Example This paper will discuss the details associated with attacks incorporated with AODV. Moreover, other type of threats that may affect the domestic wireless network operating on an 802.11 will also be defined and discussed.This paper discusses that  MANET is constructed on multiple routers knows as multi hop communication paths, these multi hop communication paths, can be dislocated any time and in any direction. The routing protocols that are associated with MANET is categorized in to hybrid, table-driven and demand-driven routing protocols.  Table-driven protocols attempt to synchronize routing information with the routing table for each wireless router. For example, Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) and Wireless Routing Protocol (WRP) protocols fall under the category of table-driven protocols. Demand-driven protocols are associated with AODV and dynamic source routing protocol (DSR). Hybrid routing protocols interlinks with the other two protocols i.e. table driven an d demand driven routing protocols. The wireless MANET network is associated with protocols that are not well designed in terms of network security, as there is no centralized administration to monitor or configure MANET. However, most of the wireless network protocols associated with MANET is designed for optimum bandwidth utilization but not for optimal security.  In this competitive and evolutionary world of technological advancements, threats and vulnerabilities are a great concern.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

(Social Work) Late Adulthood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

(Social Work) Late Adulthood - Essay Example These stages are the physical growth and development, cognitive growth and development and socio-emotional growth and development. That this group or stage of development is sensitive is a matter that scholars and theoreticians readily agree on. According to Erikson model of development, this stage of development can be split into four stages: the infancy stage which starts from childbirth to 18 months, the early childhood stage which begins from 18 months to 3 years, the play age, 3 to 5 years, and the school age, 6 to 12. Erik Erikson’s Model sees the infancy stage as the Oral Sensory Stage wherein the baby tends to feel the environment through the mouth. The importance of this stage is marked by the child either learning to trust or to mistrust, depending on the prevailing circumstances within the environment. At the same time, it is observed that passing successfully through this life’s stage is invitational of an inherent sense of hope and self-drive (Davenport, 19 94, 65). This is then followed by the early childhood age where the outcome of the ego development begins to take shape. It is in this period where the child either becomes courageous or ashamed. The same stage also sees the child develop the knack for making initiatives instead of being accosted by feelings of guilt, if the surroundings are conducive. In the play stage, the initiative vs. guilt plays out. If the child is for instance raised under the tutelage of caretakers or parents who criticise and castigate the child, it may be impossible for the child to gain traits such as purpose and determination (Butler and Hickman, 2011, 22). In the school age period, the child learns to either become industrious or inferior. Eventually, the child gets to become more methodological and competent. It is at this stage that children are able to learn, create and accomplish an array of new skills and knowledge, and thereby developing a sense of

Monday, November 18, 2019

The crisis of trust as a major issue in the relationship among Essay

The crisis of trust as a major issue in the relationship among business organizationsand their customers - Essay Example The lost of credibility is central in the crisis of trust. The crisis of trust can be understood from two major perspectives; First, business to business and second business to individual customers. A business organization is a customer to another business organization when one buys goods and services from the other. This could be in the form of buying raw materials from a business for the purpose of producing it to a finished products or when a business rent the equipments of another business in order to further its business operation. There is a business to an individual customer relationship when the individual buys goods and services from a business organization. Whichever way one chooses to look at the issue, crisis of trust can emanate if proper management techniques was not ensured. Few examples will help us to understand the point. To buttress the point more succinctly, Crisis of trust in Bank of America Corporation (BAC): Bank of America Corporation is the one of the largest financial institutions in America. It is a multinational bank with headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina. According to the BMO capital market result, the bank is ranked as the highest financial institution in America by assets. ... This enviable record helped in no small measure in building the public trust which the bank has. Regrettably, in 2010, the bank was accused by the USA government for defrauding organizations and institutions especially schools, hospitals, and government institutions through investing the revenues from the municipal bond sales. The bank however agreed to have defrauded the institutions and accepted to pay damages at the tune of $137.7 million, including the payment of $25 million to the coffer of the Internal Revenue Service, as well as $4.5 million to the attorney general of the state. Hence, it was reported that the former Bank Executive of the famous Bank of America, Douglas Campbell pleaded guilty to the charges of distrust, wire transfer, and conspiracy to defraud the bank1 Because of this development, the famous bank started loosing customers; people started withdrawing their money because of distrust. Crisis of trust in the UK media: In the recent times, majority of the Europea ns are displeased with the manner in which the media reports issues. The media was alleged to hide certain information from the public. It was alleged that the media is more interested in getting story than telling the truth. This development has eroded the trust which people have on the media. The role of the media as a watchdog in the democratic process is no longer feasible, as some people argued. In the United Kingdom, people see the media from the point of carrying social stories rather than conveying the latest political development in the nation. Example, the tabloids are always inundated by stories about celebrities and campaigns, rather than reporting the latest political development in the country. This is certainly not healthy in a country

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Role Of Industrialization In Economic Development Economics Essay

Role Of Industrialization In Economic Development Economics Essay INTRODUCTION Industrialization is regarded essential for rapid development of the country since industrial revolution. The countries which merely rely on agriculture have remained under developed, whereas nations which developed industries achieved high rates of development. The advanced countries encourage industrialization on large scale and transferred advantages to agriculture. They achieved balance of growth in various sectors of economy. Pakistan at the time of partition in 1947 has negligible industrial base. The government has been utilizing all available resources for rapid development of the manufacturing sector.  We examine the industrial performance as follows: From 1947 to 1950 In 1947, in the West Pakistan the major product was cotton but there was no big factory to process and manufacture the cotton whereas East Pakistan was the main producer and supplier of jute. Out of 921 Pakistan only got 34 industries. Government of Pakistan being aware of the importance of industrialization called an industrial conference in dec. 1947. The conference recommended the establishment of industries which used locally produced raw material like jute, cotton and skin. The private sector was encouraged to establish industries. For the implementation of above a development board and Pakistan industrial and Credit Corporation were established in 1948. The contribution of industrial sector to GDP was 6.9% in 1950. From 1950 to 1960 The private sector did not invest in heavy industries due to lack of capital, technical knowhow and absence of entrepreneurship. The government took initiative and established PIDC in 1952. The major investment of PIDC was in paper and paperboard, cement, fertilizer, jute mills and suigas pipelines. The contribution of industrial sector to GDP rose from 9.7% to 11.9%. From 1960 to 1970 This year covers 2nd five and 3rd five year plan. In 2nd five year plan 22.2% of the total outlay was for the growth of industrial sector. The country achieved self sufficiency in essential consumer goods. The contribution of industrial sector to GNP went up to 11.8% from 1960-65. The 3rd five year plan could achieve a partial success due to war with India in 1965. The growth rate was 7.8% against the target plan of 10%. Growth in 1970s The industrial performance of production, growth and exports was disappointing from 1971 to 1977. The main reason were separation of east Pakistan, suspension of foreign aid, fall in exports due to loss of market ( east Pakistan), devaluation of rupee up to 131%, nationalization of industries, labor unrest, recession in world markets and reduction in investment incentives. The annual growth rate fell up to 2.8%. Growth from 1977 onward The government took number of initiatives to revise the economy. Some industries were denationalized and private sector was encouraged to invest. The growth rate was 5.7% in 1989-90. Current Growth According to the economic survey of Pakistan, 2009-2010, manufacturing accounts 18.5% 0f GDP and 13% of total employment. Large scale manufacturing and small scale manufacturing accounts 12.2% and 4.9% of total GDP respectively. Manufacturing Sector in Regional Countries Role of industrialization in economic development The role of industrial sector is summarized as follows: In industrialization there is optimum utilization of scarce resources. The quality and quantity of manufacturing sector increase. It increases the national income of the country. It increases the production of goods and services. The labor receives higher wages. The income of workers increase and there living standard also improves When industrial production increase that increase exports and revenues of the government. It generates new employment opportunities. Industrialization provides machinery like tractors, threshers, harvesters and spray machines to increase the production of agriculture sector. As the industrial sector expands, its production increases and cost of production decreases. The quality of products improved due to technology Industrialization increases the supply of goods for internal and external markets. The government receives revenue in the form of custom and excise duties, sales and income taxes from the industrialists due to which government revenue increases. Causes of industrial backwardness in Pakistan The main causes of industrial backwardness are divided as follows: Historical Causes The British collected raw material for their industries from subcontinent on the one hand, on the oilier; they captured this area for final products. So no industry in this area. The areas with Muslim majority were kept backward to favor Hindus. The few industries, which were setup in India, were in coastal cities of Calcutta, madras and Bombay. Raw material and skilled labor were not available in the area that is now in Pakistan. Economic Causes The infrastructure required for the growth of industries is inadequate. For the foster mobility of labor, capital, transport and communication facilities are in sufficient. It is obstructing expansion of industries in Pakistan. The amount if capital required in the capital intensive industries like steel, iron, chemical and automobiles quite high. Huge capital is also required to establish and expand industries like textile, carpet, sugar and paper etc. Most of exports are comprised of raw material, while our main imports are machinery, petrol which requires heavy foreign exchange. Due to shortage of foreign exchange, less imports of machinery, this leads to less development of industries. Now days due to inflation people have low level of income thats why they demand less industrial goods, it obstructs industrial development. There is also shortage of power like electricity and gas due to which many industries are shutting down. There is less foreign investment in the country due to terrorism which is also the main hurdle in industrial development. Due to recent flood, the economy of the country is going worst. Therefore people do not take risk to invest in Pakistan. Political Causes There have been frequent changes in government since 1947 in Pakistan due to which local and foreign investors hesitate to invest in long term projects. Kashmir issue has been a bone of contention between Pakistan and India since independence. People remain frightened about the war between both countries. This situation leads low investment. The government of Pakistan nationalized industrial sector in 1970s. People still fear that the government may once again nationalize the economy. Therefore they invest less. Social and Geographical Causes On the one hand there is less awareness to invest in large scale industries due to lack of education and information. On the other hand the capital intensive industries require highly qualified professionals which are in lack of Pakistan. So low industrial development. Pakistan has extreme climate. Sometimes we have drought and other time heavy rain and flood. Moreover most of the land is covered with mountains and deserts. PRINCIPAL INDUSTREIS OF PAKISTAN The principal industries of Pakistan are as follows: Textile Industry It is the most important and largest industry of the economy of Pakistan. Pakistan received 17 textile units in 1947. The industry is facing problem like shortage of raw material, tough competition in international market due to domestic high prices. Sugar Industry In 1947, Pakistan received two sugar mills. Now we have 78 sugar industries across the country. The industry is producing 2.4mn tones of sugar against 2.9mn tines of demand. Pakistan is importing sugar since last few years. The production of sugar can be increased by giving incentives to farmers. Chemical Industry There was hardly any chemical industry in 1947. Now Pakistan has 12 units but this industry is not meeting domestic requirement of chemicals. Fertilizers Industry Fertilizer plays an important role in increasing agriculture production. At present 10 units are producing different types of fertilizers which meets 70% of the domestic requirement. 30% is imported from Germany, UK, USA and Norway. Cement Industry There are 25 cement plants in Pakistan. The installed capacity of these plants is 13mn tones per annum. This industry is based on local raw material. Jute Industry At the time of independence there was not a single unit of jute in Pakistan. At present 12 units are working in Pakistan but they are not meeting domestic requirements. Large quantity is imported from china and Bangladesh. Engineering Goods Industry This industry got importance in 3rd five year plan. Now there are four industries like HMC Taxila, Heavy Foundry Taxila, Pakistan Machine Tool Factory Landhi, and Pakistan Steel Mills Karachi. Pakistan Steel Mills Corporation The mill was set with the total cost of 25.550mn with the help of Russia. Its productive capacity is 1.1mn tones of raw steel per annum. Now a day it is going down due to corruption and mismanagement. Cigarette Industry At present Pakistan has 22 factories producing cigarette at Jhelum, Akora Khattak. The raw tobacco used in manufacturing is produced domestically. PERFORMANCE OF PUBLIC INDUSTRIAL SECTOR The performance of public industrial sector is the role of PIDC, so we review the role of PIDC. Role of PIDC: Pakistan industrial development corporation (PIDC) was established in 1952. It was the only public sector involved in manufacturing. It established industries in backward areas, created employment opportunities and reduced regional disparities. By June 1972, it had established 60 industrial projects. The nationalization of industries under the economic reforms order affected the performance of PIDC. A number of important and profit yielding projects were transferred to other corporations under the Presidential Ordinance No. v of 1974. PIDC was left with only 8 projects out of 60, which were not profit making. NATIONALIZATION OF INDUSTRIES The government of Pakistan under the economic reforms order, 1972 nationalized 32 private industries. The 52 projects already under taken by PIDC and the 32 nationalized units were regrouped on functional basis and laced under 12 corporations. The corporations were: Federal chemical and ceramic corporation (FCCP) Federal light engineering corporation (FLEC) National design and industrial services corporation (NDISC) State heavy engineering and machine tools corporation (SHEMTC) Pak tractor corporation (PTC) Pak automobile corporation (PAC) National fertilizer corporation of Pakistan (NFCP) State electrical corporation (SEC) Pakistan industrial development corporation (PIDC) Pak steel mills corporation (PSMC) State cement corporation of Pakistan (SCCP) State petroleum refinery and petrochemical corporation (SPRPC) In 1974, PTC and SEC were merged in PACO and the number of corporations was decreased from 12 to 10. Later on FLEC, NDISC and SHEMTC were merged into state engineering corporation (SEC). The number of corporation was decreased from 10 to 8. Reasons of Nationalization failure The public manufacturing sector was burdened with a number of conflicting tasks and objectives which reduced its efficiency. The corporations were over staffed and were mostly managed by non-professionals persons. The labor unrest reduced performance. The skilled personnel migrated to Gulf States and caused shortage of skilled persons. The prices of raw material increased due to decline in production of the corporations on account of flood and untimely rains. The price of petroleum products increased and raised the cost of production. PRIVATIZATION OF SOEs IN PAKISTAN In the first four decades the government policy about the private and public sector has not clear. In 1988, the government issued disinvestment ordinance to adopt the policy of privatization. The governments privatization policy is to off-load the public sector; the process would e carried out in three phases. Different institutions will be sold to private sector and the revenue generated will generally be used for debt retirement. Meaning of Privatization A process of transferring state owned enterprises to the private sector. Objectives of Privatization Minimizing budgetary support/deficit Sale of shares of enterprises to fill budgetary gap Incentives for the workers for efficient work Developing share market Provision of share ownership to workers or employees Insulating the economy from political interference Achieving rapid industrialization Methodology of Privatization The privatization can be undertaken in the following ways: Sale of individual SOEs by inviting bids from the private sector Sale of shares of SOEs through stock exchange Encouraging employees to make management groups and purchase enterprises Encouraging prospective investors to form modaraba companies to purchase the shares of SOEs Entering into lease management contracts with employees for a specific period to enable them to buy out units Privatization of SOEs in Pakistan The government of Gen. Zia-Ul-Haq on 16th July 1988 issued Disinvestment Ordinance and a National Disinvestment Authority was created under the chairmanship of Aziz Zulfiqar. A privatization commission was formed on July 22, 1991 to formulate recommendations for privatization and deregulation. In the initial phase MCB, ABL had been privatized. IMPORTANCE OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT The policy of privatization, deregulation and liberalization has greatly widened the foreign investment in the country. The government has taken several measures to increase the flow of foreign private investment. The foreigners can now avail monetary and fiscal concessions equally with the local investors. They can invest in the fields of their choice like power generation, petro-chemical petroleum gas fertilizers, hi tech industries, agro based industries and export oriented industries. Incentives to Foreign Investors Foreign exchange controls have been relaxed for foreign investors. Foreign investors can participate in local projects on equality basis. Ceiling on payment of royalties abolished. No requirement of obtaining NOC from provincial government or locating the projects anywhere in the country except notified negative areas. SOURCES OF INDUSTRIAL FINANCE The main sources of industrial finance are: Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan Investment Corporation of Pakistan National Investment Trust Equity Participation Fund Bankers Equity Fund Modarabas, Leasing Companies COTTAGE AND SMALL SCALE INDUSTRY The cottage and small scale industry has a great significance for a developing country. It forms as important part of the manufacturing sector. It contributes 5% to GDP and employees 80% of the labor force. Its share in manufacturing sector export is about 30% in Pakistan. Cottage Industry The industry which is carried on in the home of the artisan is known as cottage industry. He is usually assisted in his work by the members of his family and the job may be whole time or part time. E.g. wood work, handmade carpets, toys etc. Small Scale Industry The firms employing less than 10 persons are classified as small scale industries in the national accounts and its fixed assets do not exceed Rs. 2mn in Pakistan. CONCLUSION We can conclude that manufacturing is the third sector of our economy and it is the backbone of any country. It plays a very important role in the economic development of a country. Pakistan has been a backward country in industrial sector due to different historic, political and economic causes. For the revival and growth of the industrial sector, these problems should be solved. The law and order situation must be improved. The security of capital must be assured and the degree of bureaucratic control to be minimized. A clear cut policy should be chalked out for the local and foreign investors. The industrial growth can further be accelerated by ring sick industrial units into operation, installing new factories and providing maximum incentives to the working community.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Dr. Jeckyll and Mr Hyde :: essays papers

Dr. Jeckyll and Mr Hyde In Robert Louis Stevenson’s famous novel about dual identity, Dr. Henry Jekyll, an affluent surgeon, creates a potion by which he can transform into Edward Hyde, the physical manifestation of his evil side. After many months of thrilling nighttime criminal escapades through the streets of London, his antics under the cloak of Hyde get him in trouble when he slays prominent public figure Danvers Carew. Jekyll is so shocked by this deed of evil that he decides an end will be put to his transformations, a science he calls transcendental medicine. Much to his alarm, Jekyll finds that he now turns into Hyde without his wanting it, undeniably a side effect of the drug. After locking himself into his cabinet, in order to facilitate his use of the drug in case of spontaneous transformations, his concerned butler Poole alerts good friend Gabriel Utterson, a lawyer. Together, they break into the cabinet, only to find they body of Hyde, lifeless on the floor. The pair finds an envelope addressed to Utterson which shall supposedly explain why they cannot find the body of Henry Jekyll. The book finishes with the letter Jekyll wrote for Utterson being presented to us as though he is reading it. Utterson is to rejoin Poole in the house at the stroke of midnight, no later, in order to call the police and inform them of the murder. We will start the chapter three weeks after the discovery of the corps. Note: I have tried to make the style of writing alike to Mr. Stevenson’s as much as possible. The Incident of Mr. Enfield and Mr. Utterson Mr. Utterson, the lawyer, was not a man of weak stomach, but even his strength had restrictions. Although he was an individual of strict self-control, he did approve a known patience for others; an ability he had come by due to a singular resurfacing thread that seemed to wind it’s way through his life: he repeatedly had the luck (or misfortune, as one may see it) to be the last good influence in the lives of moribund men. And so, it seemed, that the thread had reappeared in his life by way of the troubling matter of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and that it was choking the willpower right out of poor Mr.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Detrimental Effects of Social Networking

Social networking is all the rage with society. It is a main outlet for both personal and professional networking. Whether its job related and trying to put the word out for prospective employers or just connecting with a long distance friend via instant message, there aren’t too many people who have not taken advantage of this option to connect with others. There are not many households without the technology to take advantage of this option in communication. It seems to be the main form of contact within society today. The problem with this method of communication is that it does not allow for strong face to face interaction and allows society to in a sense to hide themselves. This inherently has led to a society with lower self esteem and has put a wall up with its users lowering standards of social interaction. It has had such a negative impact and should be used with greater caution especially within the teenage and young adult generation. Such sites as Facebook, Myspace and orkut have had an extremely negative impact on society and what should be perceived as acceptable. Social Networks and the ideas and activities associated with these networks have become profoundly detrimental to society today. It has escalated into much more impressive problems such as cyber bullying, intense obsession and lessened interpersonal communication skills. Let’s first examine a less extreme, but equally important problem with social networks. Interpersonal communication is imperative for growth and self confidence in an individual. Social networking and the sites associated with this practice have greatly diminished the growth process of interpersonal communication. Nurturing a younger group to be more secure with themselves and aid in shaping those who are to be the future leaders of our society is harder due to lack of communication skills. This lack stems from excessive use of these internet sites. Social network sites, chat rooms, instant messaging allows for the user to hide behind a screen name or online profile, lessening personal communication, instead using the computer as a crutch for relating with peers and new contacts. (Acar, 2008). These networks have made it possible for people to hide and not have to give 100 percent of themselves. It creates a negative impact when it comes time for important events such as interviewing for a job or giving an important speech for a class. Young adults are so in tuned with who is doing what and where others are dining out at for that moment versus developing the necessary skills to be a productive member of society. A theory known as the anxiety and uncertainty management theory (Gudykunst, 1985) deals with interpersonal communications with different cultures, but it also provides helpful insight into communication with strangers as a whole. According to Gudykunst’s (1985) theory face to face communication with strangers or other people not known personally or professionally by the individual lessens anxiety and increases social skills necessary for growth as a human being; thus trying to relate through a computer is proven detrimental to social growth and diminishes interpersonal communication skills. The extreme continual use of these networks as a social means is going to lead to a profound number of angst ridden individuals trying to function in society. Social network sites, chat rooms and online communities have created an obsession factor. The online community is so hyped up and popular, if you don’t have an online profile one way or another you are not considered as part of that â€Å"in crowd† when it comes to online communities. It’s likened to the new pair of basketball shoes youth must have in order to fit in at school. Some people have become so obsessed with being online it has shaped their life and consequences have proved to fatal. This leads into the obsession factor of these networks. Short of being a drug, some people are so hooked on online gaming and competing against others or building their farm or getting a high score, the real world takes a back seat. Normally playing a game wouldn’t be a bad thing; however the fixation of beating or â€Å"one upping† your other 65 friends in an online game has had detrimental effects. This was proven when a Jacksonville Florida woman age 22 was playing Farmville on Facebook and was thoroughly engrossed in the game. Her 3 month old son was distracting her and as she stated â€Å"interfering with her game† to a point that she violently shook him which resulted in the infant’s death. (Jamison, 2010). Internet addiction is a very serious condition. Social networking sites contribute o this by adding games and online activities that entrance the user to become a habitual user and assist in the addiction. It’s been stated that internet users are becoming addicted the same way an addict becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol. (Renee, 2010) Another facet of social networking that is becoming a trend that most definitely needs to be stopped is cyber bullying. Cyber bullyin g is using digital technology and online forums to harass another individual. (McQuade, Colt, & Meyer, 2009) Networking has opened a new door for teenage criminal activity and given them the opportunity to harass and hide behind a screen name. Online communities allow users to â€Å"pose† as someone else, becoming misleading and deceptive to the person being harassed or bullied. A strong supporting case of this was the Megan Meier case, where a young girl was in belief that she was talking to a boy who was interested in her, only to find out it was an ex friends mother was in fact portraying herself as a boy seemingly interested in Megan to gain her trust and then began taunting and teasing the 15 year old Megan who then took her life because of such intense harassment. Cyber bullying is such a horrific occurrence and just one more thing that teens are faced with, and social networking is the gateway for the heinous act. Another facet of cyber bullying is occurring with Facebook, where there is bullying or teasing because of lack of friends. Facebook shows users how many friends each other have. If one person has a lower amount, teens are known to harass and chide them for it (Zay, 2011) While there are many users of social networking that have benefitted, the cons of this communication far outweighs the pros. It has produced a less educated more stressed society and this is most prevalent in teens and young adults. To secure a more educated, socially aware and confident society, these networking sites and mediums should be used sparingly and the younger generations should develop relationships more fluidly through face to face communication to enhance self esteem and strengthen moral skills.ReferencesAcar, A. (2008). Antecedents and Consequences of Online Social Networking Behavior: The Case of Facebook. Journal of Website Promotion, 3(1/2), 62. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Gudykunst, William. (1985). A model of uncertainty reduction in intercultural encounters. Journal of Language and Social Psychology. 4(2), 79-97. Jamison, K. (2010, October 27). Farmville addicted mom shakes baby to death. Retrieved from McQuade, S., Colt, J. P., & Meyer, N. (2009). Cyber Bullying: Protecting Kids and Adult s from Online Bullies. Westport. Renee. (2010, September 5). The Addictive Nature of Social Networking Sites. Retrieved from Online Conference on Networks and Communities; Department of Internet Studies, Curtin University of Technology: ZAY, S. (2011). What Sticks & Stones Can't Do, Facebook Will-and More!. USA Today Magazine, 139(2790), 56. Retrieved from EBSCOhost

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Libearlism And Nationism In Poland

During the 19th century, every country throughout Europe embraced the ideology of nationalism. It is not inherent in human kind, and in European life it is hard to discover at any period prior to the French Revolution. Its success was largely due to the fact that it offered something for everyone regardless of social or political status. It had no specific ideas for government or economy, just simply whatever is best for the nation. Nationalism also combined well with all other ideologies of the time. It can only be judged in relation to the particular motives of its particular adherents. However, East and West accepted nationalism for different reasons and at different times. In this, as an Eastern European country, the history of Polish Nationalism is no exception. But, first, what we mean by nationalism? The modern Nation can only be effectively defined as a social group whose individual members, being convinced rightly or wrongly of their common descent and destiny, share that common sense of identity. National consciousness relates to the degree of people awareness of belonging to their nation. Nationalism, in consequence, is a doctrine shared by all political movements, which seek to create a nation by arousing people awareness of their nationality and to mobilize their feeling into a vehicle for political action. Nationalism was the most successful political force of the 19th century. It emerged from two main sources: the Romantic exaltation of "feeling" and "identity" and the Liberal requirement that a legitimate state be based on a "people" rather than, for example, a dynasty, God, or imperial domination. There were two main ways of exemplification: the French method of "inclusion" - essentially that anyone who accepted loyalty to the civil French state was a "citizen". The German method, required by political circumstances, was to define the "nation" in ethnic terms. Ethnicity in practice came down to speaking German a... Free Essays on Libearlism And Nationism In Poland Free Essays on Libearlism And Nationism In Poland During the 19th century, every country throughout Europe embraced the ideology of nationalism. It is not inherent in human kind, and in European life it is hard to discover at any period prior to the French Revolution. Its success was largely due to the fact that it offered something for everyone regardless of social or political status. It had no specific ideas for government or economy, just simply whatever is best for the nation. Nationalism also combined well with all other ideologies of the time. It can only be judged in relation to the particular motives of its particular adherents. However, East and West accepted nationalism for different reasons and at different times. In this, as an Eastern European country, the history of Polish Nationalism is no exception. But, first, what we mean by nationalism? The modern Nation can only be effectively defined as a social group whose individual members, being convinced rightly or wrongly of their common descent and destiny, share that common sense of identity. National consciousness relates to the degree of people awareness of belonging to their nation. Nationalism, in consequence, is a doctrine shared by all political movements, which seek to create a nation by arousing people awareness of their nationality and to mobilize their feeling into a vehicle for political action. Nationalism was the most successful political force of the 19th century. It emerged from two main sources: the Romantic exaltation of "feeling" and "identity" and the Liberal requirement that a legitimate state be based on a "people" rather than, for example, a dynasty, God, or imperial domination. There were two main ways of exemplification: the French method of "inclusion" - essentially that anyone who accepted loyalty to the civil French state was a "citizen". The German method, required by political circumstances, was to define the "nation" in ethnic terms. Ethnicity in practice came down to speaking German a...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Theseus

Hero Quest Analysis of Theseus The ancient Greek myth, Theseus is a great example of a hero quest. It includes all thirteen elements of a hero quest clearly. It also includes certain motifs that are prime in a hero quest. This great hero quest is a story of a young boy, who is weak and poor. He finds out of his great history and attempts to find his destiny. The first element that all hero quests have is that the hero usually has a strange origin and this story is no different. As a young boy, Theseus is somewhat weak, and scared to fight. He gets beat up by the village boys a lot. One day, his mother tells him that he is really the son of a king. Confused, Thesus asks why they do not live in Athens with the king. She tells him that the king has family that wishes to divide the kingdom up among the fifty sons, and that they would have killed Theseus immediately when learning of his origin. But that is not the end of Theseus’s strange origin. One day while laying by the sea, wishing the sea would kill him, a gull visits him and tells him his true origin. He is born the son of a king, but where he came from is much stranger than the king of Athens. The gull tells Thesus that his father is Poseidon. The gull serves as the guide or teacher motif that is seen in most all hero’s quests. The gull serves as an important part of the story, by giving Thesus many hints and lessons before the journey. Theseus also includes the element of the hero not being invincible. Although Theseus is strong, he is far from invincible. Theseus’s main weakness as a young boy was his self confidence. He did not believe he could defend himself against even the neighborhood boys because he was so small. The gull tells him his past and tells him that he should use size against his enemies. So when a large neighborhood boy attacks him, he defeats the boy without throwing a punch. He develops more and more confidence, but he is... Free Essays on Theseus Free Essays on Theseus Hero Quest Analysis of Theseus The ancient Greek myth, Theseus is a great example of a hero quest. It includes all thirteen elements of a hero quest clearly. It also includes certain motifs that are prime in a hero quest. This great hero quest is a story of a young boy, who is weak and poor. He finds out of his great history and attempts to find his destiny. The first element that all hero quests have is that the hero usually has a strange origin and this story is no different. As a young boy, Theseus is somewhat weak, and scared to fight. He gets beat up by the village boys a lot. One day, his mother tells him that he is really the son of a king. Confused, Thesus asks why they do not live in Athens with the king. She tells him that the king has family that wishes to divide the kingdom up among the fifty sons, and that they would have killed Theseus immediately when learning of his origin. But that is not the end of Theseus’s strange origin. One day while laying by the sea, wishing the sea would kill him, a gull visits him and tells him his true origin. He is born the son of a king, but where he came from is much stranger than the king of Athens. The gull tells Thesus that his father is Poseidon. The gull serves as the guide or teacher motif that is seen in most all hero’s quests. The gull serves as an important part of the story, by giving Thesus many hints and lessons before the journey. Theseus also includes the element of the hero not being invincible. Although Theseus is strong, he is far from invincible. Theseus’s main weakness as a young boy was his self confidence. He did not believe he could defend himself against even the neighborhood boys because he was so small. The gull tells him his past and tells him that he should use size against his enemies. So when a large neighborhood boy attacks him, he defeats the boy without throwing a punch. He develops more and more confidence, but he is...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Labor Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Labor Relations - Essay Example Acknowledgements I would like to thank my professors and all my seniors who have continuously assisted me with the project providing with suggestions and advices as well as sources from where I could take help from. I would also like to thank my peers who assisted me with the drafting and presentation of the report. Contents 1. Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.5 2. Abu Dhabi Media Company: An Overview†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦5 3. Human Resource Management at Abu Dhabi Media Company†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.7 3.1. Company’s Employment Contracts and Relations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.7 3.2. UAE Labor Law and Abu Dhabi Media Company†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦8 4. Trade Unio n and Abu Dhabi Media Company†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..9 4.1. Trade Unions†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..9 5. Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.11 6. ... Human resource management is the department of an organization that deals with humans or the employees of the organization. The managers of the human resources department are involved with the employment contracts and relations with the employees of the organization. They deal with the hiring of new employees depending on the labor law of the nation in which the company exists. Also, a study on the human resources activities of a company provides with the knowledge of any form of trade union that is followed by the company’s members. The current study focuses on a local company in Abu Dhabi in United Arab Emirates (UAE), Abu Dhabi Media Company, and studies the human resources management of the company focusing on the company’s background, vision and mission, its employment relations and contracts, the implications of UAE Labor Law for hiring new expatriates employees for the company, as well as the nature of the role of trade union in the company if it exists, and unde rstanding the role and benefits of a trade union. 2. Abu Dhabi Media Company: An Overview: Abu Dhabi Media is one of the media companies in the Middle East located in Abu Dhabi in the UAE. Its activities involve multiple functions performing in different platforms of the media. More than 20 brands of the media are managed by the company and these include television, radio, publishing, games, digital media, printing, as well as other broadcasting media. There are a number of subsidiaries working for the organization that include leading companies in the field of media like Imagenation Abu Dhabi, LIVE, United Printing Press (UPP) and others. The three main divisions performing the functions for the company are the Broadcast, Publishing, and the Digital Media.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

South Africa and the end of Apartheid (CASE) Module3 Essay

South Africa and the end of Apartheid (CASE) Module3 - Essay Example In this case, the whites, who had financial influence retorted to discrimination in that, some neighborhoods were out of bound to blacks. This meant that the nation was separated into two, black and poor versus white and rich. In this case, the nation could not function as a democracy as the whites, how took all the power did not allow African leaders to claim any form of leadership position. Additionally, the country’s economic situation was deteriorating for the blacks as all important resources were acquired by the whites who had invested in manufacturing companies. With reflection to the resources that have been reviewed and taught for this module, it is seen that South Africa compares with other nations such as German and Korea. However, while there is East and West Germany as well as North and South Korea, South Africa is similar to these nations as it has suffered period of political and social divide (History of Apartheid in South Africa, 2011). On the other hand, the situation in South Africa is different from the situations portrayed in Germany and Korea. While Germany and Korea have distinct boundaries that separate different political regimes, communist and democratic, South Africa is a solid nation which suffered from racial discrimination. With reference to British influence on the country, various executions of black people were a common trend within the nation. However, while Korean Peninsula, under contest between North and South Korea remains subject to conflict, South Africa has entered a democratic system of governance that has unified the conflicting sides (Knight, 2006). The German unification applied the concept of two-nations-one people while the Korean applies the one-nation-two-regimes. In this case, Germany has been able to sideline her political and physical differences for the sake of national and regional development. On the other hand, Korea unification has separated North and South Korea