Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Hell And Heaven Essays - Religion, Mythology, Belief, Hell

Hell And Heaven Essays - Religion, Mythology, Belief, Hell Hell And Heaven Matthew Jay Krachunis May 2000 Hell The idea of heaven entices and encourages believers and non-believers alike. It is enjoyable to envision a place of eternal rest and relaxation, in the presence of God and loved ones. Heaven does exist according to the Bible, and is the destination of the believer in Jesus Christ at the completion of life on this earth. What is not encouraging is the fact that there is a place for those whom God chooses will not inherit everlasting life. This place is commonly referred to in the English language as hell. It is not metaphorical nor is it mythological, it is real in every sense of the word; a true literal hell. It is a time as Guthrie says in New Testament Theology, to inquire about the state of the lost, a subject which tends to be neglected or else glossed over.....the final state of those who are not in the book of life (Guthrie p. 887). This will be the focus of this discussion, the eternal state of those individuals whose name will not be found in the book of life. To fully understand the implications of the declaration of a place of eternal damnation, one must first understand what that place is. The common use of the word Hell is considered colloquial and comical to some. In the bible, the idea of the term hell is expressed in more ways than one. The terms Gehenna (Matthew 5:22), Hades (Matthew 11:23), and Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:15) are terms that have been interpreted to believe as hell. The term Gehenna occurs twelve times in the King James version of the bible. It occurs in all three of the synoptic gospels, but most notably in the book of Matthew in which it occurs seven times. Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible defines Gehenna as A name for the place (or state) of everlasting punishment:-hell (Strongs p. 19). Jesus Christ spoke of Gehenna and warned people of it. Jesus said in Matthew chapter five verse thirty, for it is better for you that one of the parts of your body perish, than for your whole body to go to hell. It is as Guthrie says, There is no way of avoiding the conclusion that Jesus firmly accepted that there was a counterpart to heaven for those who were condemned before God (Guthrie p.888). It is clear that Guthrie believes that there is an eternal and literal hell. Therefore, because Jesus stated it, and Guthrie supported it, shows that it must have a certain importance about it. In Mark chapter nine verses forty-two through fifty, Jesus is talking about the importance of understanding of the implications of a sinful life and where it will lead. In the following passage, the usage of the word hell is interpreted as the Greek word Gehenna and Jesus says, If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out (Mark 9:43). It can be construed from this statement that Jesus is adamant about the reality of the conditions in hell. It can be assumed that Jesus is not advocating the actual removal of the hand, but is speaking about the horrifying reality of hell. He is admonishing those who are listening to understand that theoretically, not having one of your hands would be better than spending eternity in hell. As Stamps says in the notes of the Full Life Study Bible, the place of unquenchable fire is so terrible that every influence of sin must be opposed and rejected no matter what the cost (Stamps p. 1497). Clearly, hell is an eternal existence that would be far worse than a missing limb. Next, Stagg states in The Broadman Bible Commentary that Gehenna was a term that came to symbolize the place of judgment for the wicked (Stagg p. 109). Furthermore, Stagg declares that Gehenna is derived from Hinnom, a valley west of Jerusalem, where the garbage was burned from the city (Stagg p. 109). The aforementioned passages reinforce the idea that hell is not a rhetorical or spiritual existence but a

Sunday, March 1, 2020

An Article Marketing Guide

An Article Marketing Guide An Article Marketing Guide An Article Marketing Guide By Sharon Article marketing is a great way to promote a product, service, website or blog. The name says it all: article marketing means marketing yourself with articles and its easy to do if you know how. Heres how to create a good article marketing article. The Title The title of your article is the most important part, because thats what will grab the reader. The golden rule is to tell readers what the article offers and tell them quickly within the first three or four words if possible. If youre writing about buying a second home, then use this: Buying A Second Home: Five Tips For Success rather than this: Five Tips For Success When Buying A Second Home The first tells readers straight away what they will get from your article; the second focuses on the number of tips. The Body Article marketing articles are used on websites and blogs, so follow the rules for writing good web articles. Put the most important information at the top, keep sentences and paragraphs short and make good use of subheadings. And if you promise five tips, make sure thats what you deliver. I usually start with a rough plan which outlines my main points and then I expand on each of those points in a single paragraph. I dont make these too long, as the average article marketing article is between 250 and 500 words long. The Resource Box The resource box is where you get to sell your product or service. It needs to contain your name, the address of your website, your elevator pitch and a call to action. The elevator pitch is a couple of sentences that say what you have to offer. It briefly answers the question whats in it for the reader? The call to action aims to get readers to your site to buy, join, signup orwhatever you want them to do. Other Important Information Once you have completed the article, write a summary of between two and five sentences to hook the reader. This may be a repeat of the lead or something completely different that points out what the article has to offer. If you like, include an invitation to the reader to read on. Finally, craft an author bio that shows your expertise and youre ready to submit your article. Where To Submit There are hundreds of article directories, so the choice can be daunting. Some of the best ones Ive used are: EzineArticles GoArticles IdeaMarketers There may also be article directories specific to the niche you want to target, which may be a better option for some people. Once you have written the first article, its easy to write more. I have more than 40 articles on EzineArticles and they bring traffic to my site and serve as examples of my writing. Good luck with your article marketing efforts. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Avoid Beginning a Sentence with â€Å"With†Social vs. SocietalHow Many Sentences in a Paragraph?